Friday, July 6, 2012

Guoman hotel

So I have a arrived at the hotel. We have been to a local pub, local Indian joint, our local dim sum restaurant and a good tour of our local area. London is huge it is a massive city and the view from my apartment is amazing. Will have pictures soon. Love Brodes.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Delayed flight

This what I have resorted to pass the time.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The day before

Well i have had a great time up north both but euro trip Brodie starts at 9 pm tomorrow stay tuned for updates.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Well in 2 days I leave for possibly the greatest adventure of my life. I leave for London england for 6 weeks while i work at the Olympics summer games for NBC. After that I will be traveling through Europe for 2 weeks. So far the plan is to head down through France and then back up through Italy and into Amsterdam...I will be doing this alone and have no real plan. I am taking other peoples advice and not having a plan and just winging it. So stay tuned for more pics and videos of my travels.