Wednesday, January 27, 2010

new gear

we'll we finally got done or first venue in the feels great! we are tired and slowly getting over or sicknesses. we finally got almost half a day off today and it was great, we went to mec and got our rain gear so next time in decides to rain for 2 weeks straight we don't have to be wet the entire time. Tomorrow we start figure skating which is a much smaller job then opening ceremonies was and a lot simpler. we are still waiting on the word for cypress but it sounds like its a go at this time.....but the fact that we can see dirt patches on the upper mountain from the city is a very good

anyways ill up date soon!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

sick sick and more sick

we'll this one will be short i have been sick since i got back from whistler.....first two days sucked, then i though i got better and it came back and kicked my ass. Looks like im on the mend tomorrow will tell if i wake up and feel better its showing signs of letting up! man i need it half our crew is sick and our boss we are still on target but these are some real hard days and it would be nice to be back on my feet properly so i can push the team along and get us ahead again. So im gonna have my soup and my orange juice and activia and go to with my fingers crossed!

Good night

Saturday, January 16, 2010

sliding center and callaghan Valley

we'll sorry for the wait people, but i had some moving and drinking to do which some what put a damper on the ole blogging thing.

I am back in whistler right now and we spend the first two days cabling the Sliding Center ( luge and boblsed) That was pretty cool cause they were doing training on the track at the time so we got to see how fast these people go. And seeing how the track is the officially the fastest in the world....when a little kid goes buy you at 140 kph well lets say i don't have good picks cause my camera isn't fast Apparently they have had to slow the top men down cause they are going right off the end of the track....haha. So i officially got to witness my first puking of snowed wet heavy crud for 2 days straigh and didn't let up for a second, it was pretty cool.

As of today we were off to callaghan valley were they are holding the ski jump and all the nordic events...(aka biathalon, cross country skiing) it is probably one of the most beautiful areas i have ever been....we'll everywhere here is more beautiful then i have ever seen its been so cool. Not much to comment about the valley just really flat and snowmobiles everywere trying to get things ready. Ski jumping is crazy steep the TV doesn't do it any justice at all...its soooooo friggen huge and steep it would be really awesome to see them do it live.

Tonight we have a shindig at billy bobs with vanoc and some other crews so were are all looking forward to that and i also go pick up my new freeride back country skiis in about we'll as soon as im done doing this!!! hahaha there pretty bad ass....Kurt there the rossignol S3 with revers camber at the tips for floating in powder!!!!

As of tomorrow we are back on the ski hill to finish off creekside and downhill venues.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

a better day

So today has been a nice day i decided despite the rain that i was gonna get up and go for a run and i found a great little 4km gravel travel that runs beside a salmon right here in a burnaby! its wonderful and secluded but right down town...and i also got to use my new gps watch for the first time as we'll. Feeling a lot better now that i got some exercise and hopefully i will have access to our gym here soon.

Our crew shows up today and we will be heading to check out the IBC for the first time which is always a fun day.

Oh and i Found a place i rent a road bike from so i can ride into the mountains when i have a clear sunny day off...hahaha ya right!

Monday, January 11, 2010

rain rain and more rain

we'll this place is has rained for 3 days now and the weather forcast calls for i think 7 more days. we'll thats as far as the weather report shows. I was supposed to go skiing at whistler but its been raining to the top of the mountain for 4 days now. And seeing how ski passes are 91 dollars i decided to save my money for later.

But i did get to go to granville island yesterday and go out downtown for for dinner. I have to say its probably the most beautiful downtown core i have ever seen. And granville island, wow what a way to spend an afternoon, you have to take a little tugboat accross then they have all these little markets with probably the best food you have ever seen. I didn't buy any yet cause i am moving to whistler soon but man im gonna go back as soon as we get our vehicles and do a big shop.

so for now i am sitting in my apartment waiting for the rain to stop, or at least die down a bit so i can go outside and wander around. Its just to windy and heavy rain for my gear, id be soaked to the bone in a heart beat. Maybe i should have taken back that expensive goretex jacket!!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

first day in Van

We'll the apartment is on the 19th floor and so far can't see much cause its been raining since i got to vancouver. Today we attempted to ski whistler but we got there and it was raining all the way into the high alpine so we had breakfast then turned around and came back...its supposed to rain for the next week in van but the forcast says its supposed to dump 50 - 60 cm of snow at mid mountain and up starting sunday night so i might be heading up to whis for two days starting on sunday night. Today i got some grocerings, and i am still yet to meet my room mate but apparently he is a pretty cool guy.

Then at about 6 i have to take a stab the the sky train and try and make way across the city to see and old friend of mine.

So other then that im just relaxing and enjoying the awesome weather.